Peter in Kauai

Our friend Peter, the master visual storyteller has done it again. I am sufficiently bummed out to be sitting here behind my desk working due to checking out one of his photos on my morning run through my feeds. My friends’ photos feeds come to me on my phone, and then I’m on the computer checking out the full set if I need to see them bigger. And now I’m trying to think of ways that I can convince my fiancee to agree that Kauai is the best place for us to move and spend the rest of our lives.

Due to Peter, I’ve wanted to move to Egypt on many occasions, to the Bay Area, to Hawaii multiple times…culminating with this latest set in Kauai.

Live it up Pedro. Life is good. Travel is king.

There is 1 comment
  1. mark

    Now that you have a passport, the world is at your feet; as tired as they may be from standing all those hours. If life is a journey, I enjoyed our path together along government dysfunction lane. Enjoy that honeymoon! (Mark and Amanda)

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