Run by Hernán Piñera | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

My Own Words To Live By

Everyone has a code, whether it’s well-defined or not. I do my best to live deliberately, to lead an examined life, and sometimes that means I have to stop and take stock

Why Does Your Content Have A Gatekeeper?

Why Does Your Content Have A Gatekeeper?

Why do news websites like,, and continue posting articles on social media that require you to be a subscriber to view the entire article? A recent exchange

How To Find The Right Talent For Your Team

How To Find The Right Talent For Your Team

For years, I have relied on the various and sundry job boards to supply quality creative candidates. Whether it’s, Coroflot, Behance, AIGA, Dribbble, AuthenticJobs, or any of the other competitive and viable job listing

Set Your Clients Up to Succeed

Set Your Clients Up to Succeed

Every service provider, regardless of their discipline, has at one point or another performed great service for a client only to have them call back a month later saying something

The Self-Proclaimed Expert

The Self-Proclaimed Expert

“If stock market experts were so expert, they would be buying stock, not selling advice.“ – Norman R. Augustine So-called experts are quickly flooding the relatively new social media niche

To Friend Or to Follow

To Friend Or to Follow

The connective branches of the web are spreading out at an ever-increasing rate. Have you noticed how many of your old friends from high school and college are showing up